Sageata lui Cupidon sunt,
Ma-ndrept spre tine,
Inima sa ti-o strapung,
Sa-ti amintesti de mine...
Si varful ei cel ascutit,
Va penetra usor pielea,
Si intr-o clipa! Nici n-ai simtit,
Nici n-ai simtit durerea...
Sunt cel ce-si risca viata,
Urcand o scara 'nalta,
Tinand in dinti speranta,
Ca inca mai esti calda...
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Let it Snow !
Let it snow... Let it snow... We all like the snow. Who doesn't? Winter has come. And shall all give you joy and happiness. Who doesn't want to make snowballs or snow mans? In my childhood my father or my mother always where helping me to built a snowman. I was sitting out in the cold and I wasn't feeling any cold at all. I loved to be out and play in the snow. And now the blue sky has become dark grey. It is ready to start to cry under the clouds leaving the drops to fall trough the blanket of cold as the flour pass through the sieve and set everything in white - the most pure color. We all have now Winter Tires Mr. Boc and Mrs. Udrea and Mr. Basescu !While I am sitting here, I remembered that 2 years ago I was above the coulds on Balea Lake resort to the Ice Hotel with Untravelled Paths.You can book your holliday with What a nice winter. Or maybe, what a nice "cold". I'll speak about this later. Now I'm waiting the snow to start fall. I can feel it.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
The flavour of Christmas
Christmas is comming,
You can feel it too,
It all will be funny,
You know that will do!
Join the Christmas,
Join it with snow,
Forget the spring's grass,
And let the snow fall!
You can feel it too,
It all will be funny,
You know that will do!
Join the Christmas,
Join it with snow,
Forget the spring's grass,
And let the snow fall!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
French Kiss...
Stiu! Nu e decat un vis,
Stiu! Nu am ajuns in paradis,
Stiu! Nu am primit un french kiss,
Dar ti-am zis, asa cum ti-am promis,
Sunt gata de un nou compromis.
Stiu! N-am sa fiu cu tine niciodata!
Stiu! N-ai sa-mi mai privesti ochii vreodata!
Dar fata! Nu uita ca deocamdata,
Totodata, ti-i voi privi eu indata.
Stiu! Ca nu imi vrei sarutul,
Ce-odata-ti acoperea tesutul...
Taci! Ai vrea acum sa ma opresc!
Dar stii iubito, ca pururea eu, te iubesc...
Stiu! Ma amagesc, traiesc sa-mi amintesc,
Stii! Ca azi sa-ti sarut ochii imi doresc,
Soptesc, cuvinte de amor,
Singur in coltul intunecat din dormitor...
E gol... Doar un parfum amagitor,
A mai ramas difuz in... gol...
French kiss, poate's nebun,
I miss it, e ce iti spun...
Stiu! Nu am ajuns in paradis,
Stiu! Nu am primit un french kiss,
Dar ti-am zis, asa cum ti-am promis,
Sunt gata de un nou compromis.
Stiu! N-am sa fiu cu tine niciodata!
Stiu! N-ai sa-mi mai privesti ochii vreodata!
Dar fata! Nu uita ca deocamdata,
Totodata, ti-i voi privi eu indata.
Stiu! Ca nu imi vrei sarutul,
Ce-odata-ti acoperea tesutul...
Taci! Ai vrea acum sa ma opresc!
Dar stii iubito, ca pururea eu, te iubesc...
Stiu! Ma amagesc, traiesc sa-mi amintesc,
Stii! Ca azi sa-ti sarut ochii imi doresc,
Soptesc, cuvinte de amor,
Singur in coltul intunecat din dormitor...
E gol... Doar un parfum amagitor,
A mai ramas difuz in... gol...
French kiss, poate's nebun,
I miss it, e ce iti spun...
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Si ghici ce vis am avut azi-noapte!
Pe face' aveam 4997
De prietene ce vor toate un Q7,
Am dreptate, nu vor soapte,
Fapte - ce-n bani se numara,
Daca nu-i dai se supara!
Cand vede hartia de 50 se scutura...
Vor hartii, stiu ca deja stii,
Dar nu A4, ci un altfel de "mii",
Si un BMW seria 3,
Sa incapa-n el multe idei!
Plecam din club ma urc la volan,
Ca un golan, te tratez ca pe un sobolan,
Tu n-o sa urci in seria 3,
Chiar daca vrei,
Stiu ca n-o sa-ti convina,
Dar, caracterul tau de tarfa este de vina...
Esti crima ! Cu mana pe p... jur,
Dar stiu ce faci pe la hotelurile din jur!
Ce dracu faci? Hai da-te jos!
Tu mergi pe jos! Esti in plus ca shaorma-n sos...
Ups.. priveam si eu ca tine - de jos - sus!
Daca nu urca-te in tramvaiul X6,
Frumoase, mai sunt masinile,
Parca ieri te-am zarit in statie la 36...
X6 iti place, pe piele sa-l atingi!
Ai s-ajungi propiul record sa il invingi...
In X6, SL 66 si S classe,
Fa-l pe sase! Ohh scuze ca te-am jignit,
Te-au obosit - atatea cifre intr-o seara,
Ia un servet! Sterge-te pe barbioara...
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Si cica: "sa dovedit cinsit ca femeile sunt multumite cu o lungime de 8,5
Si chiar nu conteaza ca e MasterCard sau Visa,
Si daca le scoti din tara, conteaza sa fie 8,5 ani viza,
Caci ele merg pe premiza: "American Express e viza,
Viza catre, shopping-uri in Mall,
Strigand cand te-au prostit de bani la fel ca-n fotbal: goool,
Si mor, cand vad prostii cum le cad pe covor,
Si mor, cand vad prosti cum li se taie aripile-n zbor,
Si mor, cand vad prosti cum se trezesc singuri in dormitor,
E gol, si-n portofel si-n cont!
Caci femeii trebuie sa ii oferi acont!
Esti tont! Haide scoate banu'!
Caci pan' la anu'...
Si chiar nu conteaza ca e MasterCard sau Visa,
Si daca le scoti din tara, conteaza sa fie 8,5 ani viza,
Caci ele merg pe premiza: "American Express e viza,
Viza catre, shopping-uri in Mall,
Strigand cand te-au prostit de bani la fel ca-n fotbal: goool,
Si mor, cand vad prostii cum le cad pe covor,
Si mor, cand vad prosti cum li se taie aripile-n zbor,
Si mor, cand vad prosti cum se trezesc singuri in dormitor,
E gol, si-n portofel si-n cont!
Caci femeii trebuie sa ii oferi acont!
Esti tont! Haide scoate banu'!
Caci pan' la anu'...
O stare de spirit
Hello girl, spune-mi ce faci?
Pe "face" din nou umplii butonul de "like" in draci?
Imi placi, deja urasc acest cuvant,
Deja nu mai suntem cu picioarele pe pamant!
Oftand, sperand, ca ne vom cunoaste curand,
Tu imi spui deja pe chat ca "FB" e un brand!
Iti spun de mult ca tu esti grav bolnava,
Suferi de Sindromul: "ce mult mai abereaza"!
Dear gril, I wrote this fucking text,
De 5 min. sub un anumit pretext,
Don't bullshit me, nu imi da like,
Ca jur ca maine nu te plimb... pe mountainbike!
Si dupa ce ti-o trag, strig ca la baseball: Strikeeee!
Si nu-ti dau like, cine p... mea ma crezi? Paul van Dyke?
Pe "face" din nou umplii butonul de "like" in draci?
Imi placi, deja urasc acest cuvant,
Deja nu mai suntem cu picioarele pe pamant!
Oftand, sperand, ca ne vom cunoaste curand,
Tu imi spui deja pe chat ca "FB" e un brand!
Iti spun de mult ca tu esti grav bolnava,
Suferi de Sindromul: "ce mult mai abereaza"!
Dear gril, I wrote this fucking text,
De 5 min. sub un anumit pretext,
Don't bullshit me, nu imi da like,
Ca jur ca maine nu te plimb... pe mountainbike!
Si dupa ce ti-o trag, strig ca la baseball: Strikeeee!
Si nu-ti dau like, cine p... mea ma crezi? Paul van Dyke?
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Autumn wind, Autumn day !
Today, I woke up in the morning with a huge pain in my back! I bearly could get off the bed... but miraculously I finally did. So I am sitting now on the chair. Nothing is in my mind to inspire me what to write or what to say. I am just staring on the window how strong the wind is blowing. Is an autumn wind, an autumn day. It's making me feel so good and comfortable. I almost forgot the pain of my back. Everything is dancing on the street: a small tree in front of the hotel is holding it's branches and it's green leaves in the way of the wind reminding me about the salsa dance on the beach with my empty feets in the hot sand... People are passing trough the street. Some of them rushed, some of them lazy... An ealdearly man stops in fron of the door stearing for like 1 minute at the door asking himself maybe what the hell is behind the doors. His curiousity dissapears in moments and he walks further to who knows where. It's a day of silence. Is the day of the wind. Only the wind is alowed today to make noises. The dvd player stoped. The guest of the hotel are lazy today. Of course they are... It's Sunday morning. A perfect morning to wake up and have breakfast on the terrace, or sleep.... It doesn't matter thow...
I'll come back later in the afternoon and let you know how was this beautiful day in Bucharest...
I'll come back later in the afternoon and let you know how was this beautiful day in Bucharest...
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Toamna vine, frunzele incep sa se usce prin pomi, serile sunt mai racoroase. Se simte prezenta ei colorata. Culorile toamnei sunt vii dar si moarte. Imagineaza-ti cum ar fi sa unesti viata cu moartea! Care ar fi rezultatul? Eternitatea? Poate, asa sunt de parere. Amble se intampla la un moment dat. Privim viata atata de roz spre deosebire de moarte, si eu unul nu inteleg de ce! Pentru ca oricum ambele se vor intampla sau se intampla. Moartea pentru mine nu inseamna ceva dureros, oricat de mult ar durea si oricat de mult m-as chinui sa mor. Dar privesc viata precum privesc inverzirea frunzelor pomilor, imbatranirea lor, apoi desprinderea lor de pom. Adormirea lor pe pamantul ce pare a fi rece, inseamna moartea lor si totodata dand viata altor specii de plante sau chiar legume, cum ar fi ciupercile. Deci? Din moarte se da viata ! Asta cred eu... Nu invers.
Dar sa revenim la toamna! Anotimpul ce ne pregateste usor pentru zilele geroase ale iernii...Toamna... toamna frunzele cad, inoata in fluidul ce il numim aer pana la sol si se aseaza acoperindul intr-un strat subtire formand covorul rosu pe care imi place atat de mult sa il calc...
Dar sa revenim la toamna! Anotimpul ce ne pregateste usor pentru zilele geroase ale iernii...Toamna... toamna frunzele cad, inoata in fluidul ce il numim aer pana la sol si se aseaza acoperindul intr-un strat subtire formand covorul rosu pe care imi place atat de mult sa il calc...
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Ploua iar...
Ploua... ploua nu vezi? Picaturi reci de diferite dimensiuni cad si imi izbesc pleoapele facandu-ma sa par ca plang! Dar nu plang, sunt doar fericit ca pot spune ca imi pot exprima fericirea chiar si cu lacrimi pe obraz... Impropiu spus lacrimi... sunt doar niste picaturi reci ca si roua de dimineata... Si privesc... Ca si tine... Privesc oamenii ce trec grabiti pe strada... unii care si-au uitat umbrela... unii care trebuie sa ajunga la serviciu... Lumea este grabita... Dar oare unde ne grabim? Caci viata este lunga dar scurta... Da.... asa este... viata e scurta... Si poate ca ne intrebam de ce? Sau, oare ce exista dupa viata? Cui ii pasa... Cui ii pasa ca ploua? Mie! Mie imi pasa ca ploua! Privesc cerul cenusiu cum plange... Si incerc sa zaresc ceva... Nu pot ! Dar incerc din nou ! Si tot nu pot... Incerc din nou si apoi ma las batut, dar doar pana data viitoare... Acum tu poti zari cum din ochii mei "ploua"... Ploua caci nu pot zari ceea ce incercam sa zaresc mai devreme... Blestemati nori... Blestemati caci nu va pot zari de ei... Astept! Si voi astepta in continuare sa treaca ploaia... Pentru ca vreau sa te vad... Pe tine! Pe tine dincolo de nori....
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Memory remains
The memory of you remains,
When in my mind it still rains.
A drop is falling from the sky,
I wonder and not asking why...
I'm crazy I know,
I watch the falling of the snow,
Thinking of you is killin' - so,
I watch how the river flow...
You where a blooming flower in spring
Unfortunately left and broke my wing,
So sing, the song of missing you,
Cause baby I love you and do so...
So please come back and rescue me,
Let's kiss under the aurora borealis,
Don't miss, just let the kiss,
To send us straight to abyss...
When in my mind it still rains.
A drop is falling from the sky,
I wonder and not asking why...
I'm crazy I know,
I watch the falling of the snow,
Thinking of you is killin' - so,
I watch how the river flow...
You where a blooming flower in spring
Unfortunately left and broke my wing,
So sing, the song of missing you,
Cause baby I love you and do so...
So please come back and rescue me,
Let's kiss under the aurora borealis,
Don't miss, just let the kiss,
To send us straight to abyss...
Memory remains
And because my friend likes lyrics, I confess that as he loves them, I also Love to write lyrics a lot. Here is a poem written in romanian as in our vocabulary you may find thousands of words. Words that match as rhymes. Enjoy!
Cu ce am gresit, sa ma ranesti asa de rau?
Cu ce am gresit, sa ma ranesti asa de rau?
Ce ti-am facut, de nu vrei sa fiu al tau?
De ce imi zdrobesti inima din piept?
De ce alegi aceasta cale ca concept?
Nu pot sa cred ca azi uitandu-ma la cer,
Si-ti cer sa nu mi-o iei si tot mai sper...
De ce chiar mie mi se intampla iar?
De ce azi iar de lume ma separ?
Pentru ca te iubesc eminamente,
Pentru ca-ti port o dragoste cu condimente,
Pentru ca iti ofer mai multe sortimente,
Nu complimente, eu iti ofer momente...
Momente atente, si nopti absente,
Nopti inocente si turbulente,
Ce realmente nu le-am uitat
Postand in inima adanc un sentiment premeditat...
Baby D.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Reteaua de socializare
Reteaua de socializare,
Un fel de sodomizare,
Persoane bizare,
Cu sau fara dosare,
Pe la cercetari penale...
Ard un gaz fin,
Privesc un cer senin,
Ma prefac ca sunt docil,
Infirm! Si zac pe Facebook,
Sunt cel putin sub un papuc,
Da, stiu ! "I need a new look"
Hai ! De vrei sa-mi dai un "like"
Te dau o tura pe mountainbike...
Vreau sa-mi pierd controlu'
Sa imi pornesc motoru'
Sa plec sa-mi fac o poza,
In timp ce iau o doza...
De alcool, ce te gandeai,
Credeai ca, cocaina?
Nu! Mai bine putina morfina,
Cu endorfina, sa te privesc difuz...
Sunt confuz, reteaua de socializare eee...
Un fel deeee... care pe care..
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Anunt Matrimonial :))
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Fiind un nemernic nesimtit cu antecedente,
Avand in sange viclenia si alte precedente,
Spirit puternic lipsit de anumite sentimente,
Impacat cu mine.. totusi plin de regrete.
Aspecte incrucisate din complexe gandiri,
Campul de lupta e in cap si se dau multe ciocniri,
Resursele sunt limitate,ma apropii de colaps,
Solutia are doua pe care am ramas?
Se spune ca asa suntem toti,mai mult sau mai putin,
Balanta se inclina,constiinta se intreaba ce devin,
Un animal condus doar de instincte...
Spre mantuire vreau sa inclin..
In cautare de un sfat sa ma faca sa ma opresc,
Autocompatimirea nu este buna ,dar mi-o doresc,
Sa cresc cu alta mentalitate nu s-a putut,
As fi vrut sa NU,dar nu m-am abtinut.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Purtat de vant
Purtat de vant, un sentiment vag,
Ramane in urma precum un nor de praf,
Pribeag... sufletul meu e un ramasag...
Uitandu-ma in soara fara spectroheliograf!
Si zac uitandu-ma, orbit de dragoste,
As vrea sa scap de-aceasta pacoste,
Peste, nu pot! Si zac uitandu-ma peste pod,
Oare pot trece si de-acest episod?
Exod, sa scap din acest crunt navod!
A mai trecut un timp, pe "ea" am cunoscut,
La cativa ani, dupa ce te-am pierdut,
Si-ti scriu aceste randuri din trecut,
Sa-ti amintesti de mine, caci m-ai avut!
Sa te lovesti de zidul ce tu mi l-ai facut,
Si sa nu zabovesti, sa crezi caci si eu am crezut!
"Ea" este cea, ce-mi va fi sotie,
Ea imi daruieste ce-ti daruiam eu tie!
Friday, April 1, 2011
Mireasma primaverii
Mireasma primaverii inflorate,
Se-aseaza peste amandoi,
Ne mangaie flori colorate,
Copacii azi, nu mai sunt goi...
Mi-aduc acum aminte,
De tine... Inca se simte,
Parfumul tau dulceag,
Tu, esti sentimentul vag!
Da! Inca se simte,
Si stiu ca nu ma minte,
Stiu! Nu-s doar cuvinte,
Sunt simple juraminte...
Esti o petala de magnolie,
Ce ma duce-n agonie,
Melancolie, este o armonie,
Cea mai frumoasa ceremonie...
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Dillema :)

Am ajuns intr-un punct mort...
Dilema este mare..coliva sau tort?
La televizor...telenovele sau sport?
In vacanta...hotel sau cort?
Sa ma decid nu pot,
Mintea-mi este infectata si nu am antidot.
Nu iau decizii gresite consemnate in raport
Pentru ideile unora,venite la stimularea unui scrot.
Sa ma opresc? pun stop?
Nu e chiar e un publicitar spot.
Fara putere de decizie,ma supun unui vot...
Sa ma doara-n ..... sau sa ma doara-n cot? ;) :p
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Just lirics !!!
Azi cerul sobru il privesc,
Citind, aceste randuri...
Incerc din nou sa iti soptesc,
Vesnice vaste ganduri...
Purtat de vant,
Azi nu mai sunt,
Si nu mai cant,
Azi.. nu mai sunt!
Sufletu-mi e purtat de vant,
Si totul mi se pare crunt!
Ma strigi, te-ascult,
Cum o faceam demult...
Asupra ta veghez intruna,
Si-astept furtuna...
Ard ca o lumanare,
Si-astept o alinare...
Fereastra ce ne-a despartit sa inchis!
Si-ai ferecat manerul,
Da-mi voie s-o deschid! Ti-am zis...
"Priveai cum plange cerul"
Ceai de pelin,
Curge prin vene,
Un cer senin...
Astept de-o vreme!
Dragoste! Dragoste!
Stiu... sunt o pacoste,
Prea mult iti cer,
Dar dragoste-ti ofer...
Iubito nu mai plange,
Lasa cerul sa planga,
Norii sa se franga,
Nu inima sa mi se franga!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
A perfect day
A perfect day has just begun, and I am preparing for a new day at work... pfff... what a regular day...
Did you ever asked yourself, dressing in the morning knowing that you'll be late (again), what the fuck would you lie about your boss? Ex. Hi, sorry for being late again, by a rat just hide under the hoot and when I start the engine the car just blow up!!! Maybe this is also the reason why I came in my outfit. Oh! sorry for wearing snickers today at the Big meeting, I'm sure they will understand me and they will blame it on the rat. Ok? Ohh my god, the fucking rat almost killed me... Ha ha ha !! Very funny mother fucker!!! Why don't you tell them, that you're an idiot, and you forgot to buy a car! You must have a car Steve to lie something like this to me...! Or, tell them you're an imbecile that didn't fucked his wife last night, and watched Private spice till 6 AM trying to finish a good handjob! Go to you're office right now, before I fucking throw you out the window!!!
Isn't that a perfect scenario?
Oh... I've got another one.
It's about you reaching home after a "long" day at work! You go inside the house, wondering what the fuck day is it, and what serial movie is on TV knowing what shit you will eat for dinner...
-Honey !!! What do we have for dinner? Same shit like yesterday?
-What did you had for dinner yesterday sugar?
-I had chinese food !!! Tell me you cooked something this evening...
Don't be a foul to open the fridge, you will die in a sec!! The smell will kill your neighbors too, and you will be sentenced to death after death!!! So be a smart guy, and get the fuck out ASAP!!! Go and buy junk food from Mc'Donalds or from KFC. Your stomach is used with shit food.
Don't forget to bring home some food, to your beloved wife!
Did you ever asked yourself, dressing in the morning knowing that you'll be late (again), what the fuck would you lie about your boss? Ex. Hi, sorry for being late again, by a rat just hide under the hoot and when I start the engine the car just blow up!!! Maybe this is also the reason why I came in my outfit. Oh! sorry for wearing snickers today at the Big meeting, I'm sure they will understand me and they will blame it on the rat. Ok? Ohh my god, the fucking rat almost killed me... Ha ha ha !! Very funny mother fucker!!! Why don't you tell them, that you're an idiot, and you forgot to buy a car! You must have a car Steve to lie something like this to me...! Or, tell them you're an imbecile that didn't fucked his wife last night, and watched Private spice till 6 AM trying to finish a good handjob! Go to you're office right now, before I fucking throw you out the window!!!
Isn't that a perfect scenario?
Oh... I've got another one.
It's about you reaching home after a "long" day at work! You go inside the house, wondering what the fuck day is it, and what serial movie is on TV knowing what shit you will eat for dinner...
-Honey !!! What do we have for dinner? Same shit like yesterday?
-What did you had for dinner yesterday sugar?
-I had chinese food !!! Tell me you cooked something this evening...
Don't be a foul to open the fridge, you will die in a sec!! The smell will kill your neighbors too, and you will be sentenced to death after death!!! So be a smart guy, and get the fuck out ASAP!!! Go and buy junk food from Mc'Donalds or from KFC. Your stomach is used with shit food.
Don't forget to bring home some food, to your beloved wife!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Dreaming with the eyes wide shut

As vrea sa iau de la realitate o pauza,
Fara intrebari ca: din ce cauza?
Sa castig la loto potul cel mare,
Sa plec pe o insula oarecare in Canare.
Sa petrec cu doua mulatre, gen Keri Hilson.
Fiind de nodobarat precum un bizon.
Sa fiu inteligent, fermecand prin intelect
Fetele de la ASE,fara sa fiu student.
Sa mostenesc averi pe fiecare sezon,
Facand-o geloasa chiar si pe Paris Hilton.
Sa fac ce-mi place,nu ceea ce altii vor,
Chiar mutandu-ma din Primaverii,aproape de Obor.

Sa fiu nepasator cand vine vorba de bani,
Avand atat de multi,sa construiesc case la sarmani.
Simpla mea prezenta sa fie motiv de fericire,
Exceland prin bunatate,sa n-am pic de nesimtire.
Sa fiu fericit,sa fiu considerat un domn..
Acest vis sa continue si cand ma voi trezi din somn..
Friday, February 18, 2011
Another LIAR ;)

All the girls would like to think ca iubitul lor ar face asa,dar...not everything is like we want it :p
Fiind in pana de idei,
Fara portofel si chei,
Dar cu un pliculet cu hash
Sunt cu una prin oras.
The chick is high and wants to go
Straight back home to do a show..
What will happen I don't know
I'm kind of scared 'cause she's a ho..
Tentatia e plecat..
Am ajuns,s-a acomodat,
Simt cum fierb,sunt panicat..
E frumoasa.. sa incerc sa scap?
Girls will say... YES!
Boys: Rip that dress!
But I say NO! and I am gone,
My girl is waiting for me home!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Glamorous Girls
Dansul tau ma face sa vibrez,
Realizez tarziu ca nu ma vezi,
Si crezi, ca vrei sa vin la tine,
Nu tine... Stiu ca nu-ti convine,
Decizia... oricum nu-ti apartine!
In fine... Ma injuri in sine,
Crezand ca asa-i mai bine,
Pleci... stiu! Nu-ti va fi dor de mine,
Dar nu te abtine, hai... spune-mi cine!
Durerea, poate sa iti aline...
Maine? Am sa-ti devin caine!!!
Am sa-ti arunc vorbe haine...
Ai sa-mi dansezi periculos,
Spectaculos si grandios,
Stiu... vrei sa-l faci gelos,
Pe cel "la punga gros",
Libidinos si chiar scarbos,
E mosul, ce te intretine,
E cel ce-ti da bani de paine,
Caci tu nu esti in stare,
Accepti conceptul: "care pe care"
Accepta conceptul: munceste!
Si dovedeste, gandeste,
Chiar daca-ti lipseste!
Munceste... si dobandeste!
Lasa-l pe cel ce cerseste,
Pe cel sarac, ce incearca orbeste,
Pe cel orb ce nu agoniseste,
Pe cel trist, ce nu zambeste...
Pe cel, ce painea ii lipseste!!!
Pe cel ce-ti aminteste,
Pe cel ce te calauzeste...
Monday, February 14, 2011
All of my tears...
Dedic aceasta piesa doar indragostitilor si acelor oameni care au reusit sa cunoasca puterea cuvantului Te Iubesc !!!
xx from Baby D.
Astazi iti spun ca Te Iubesc,
E greu, caci esti departe...
S-ajungi acasa imi doresc,
S-ajungi...mi-e dor de moarte!
Incearca iubito nu te abate,
Vino, eu te astept cu soapte,
Sa ti le impartasesc in noapte,
Dar nu mi-ai promis,
Cand telefonul mi l-ai inchis...
Ti-am zis! pe inima nu-mi scrie interzis...
De nu vei vrea sa vii,
Sufletu-mi rupi in mii,
De parti, si-as vrea sa stii,
Ca azi nu-ti scriu in dodii...
Ce-am scris mai sus, e un scenariu,
Ce-mi arde-n suflet ca intr-un crematoriu...
Scenariu ce nu l-as interpreta,
Ar fi o piesa aberanta,
Si as obosi, cum pestii obosesc,
Sa te inneci in lacrimi nu-ti doresc...
Plange-mi un rau de lacrimi,
Am sa te-opresc din patimi...
Sangerez din dragoste,
Stopeaza-mi sangerarea!
Scapa-ma! Esti doar o pacoste,
Ce-n dragoste nu si-a gasit cararea...
As putea sa imi petrec viata,
Manganindu-ti chipul dimineata,
Ti-as saruta ochii in timp ce dormi,
Patandu-ti perna ta, cu lacrimi...
xx from Baby D.
Je t'aime...
Because I love people - All my love for the lonely... pay attention I made a combination of english lirics with french... Press play when you read pls!!!
Come and meet me! On Valentine's Day!
Come baby come! Let's make love today!
Cause this is the day when nobody cries,
When I look inside through your eyes...
Come on girl, you're my baby I Love you,
Let's open today in French "le cadeau"
Kiss my lips - embrasser mes lèvres,
Je t'aime baby...vous écrivez dans la rime...
Valentine's Day is in the air

Honeeeeey,I'm home!!!! Today is a special day,so I wrote a poem for you guys ,to dedicate it to your girls. ENJOY!
Tont ma feresc...
Eu cu tine si in subconstient vorbesc..
Iar unul din lucrurile pe care le doresc,
Unul..doar unul ma face sa nu ma opresc..
Banii? nu banii,dar totusi vreau sa cresc.
Eu langa tine sa imbatranesc,
Soarta mea cu a ta,s-o impletesc...
Clar..dorinta asta o sa mi-o indeplinesc.
Mult m-am abtinut sa nu gresesc..
Uite,am reusit pentru ca am ales
La tine sa ma gandesc..
Tont sunt,dar nu ma razgandesc!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Patratelu' Rosu

Not a love poem :)
Showbiz plin,cu asa zise ''domnisoare'',
Topless mintal si consum de licoare..
Nuri dezinhibati,ca doar au silicoane..
Gasite in gatalog la M,Moravuri Usoare.
Bagabontii le atrag cu banane si bomboane,
Cai putere si cutiute cu zorzoane.
O seara la Million,si se vad doamne
Dar vad doar hotelu',caci stapana e acasa,doarme ;)
Le vezi dornice sa-si umple cosu'..
In palmaresul lor e inclus si un ''Mosu''
Disponibile chiar daca sunt pe rosu..
Dar ma opresc aici,ca nu am Patratelu' Rosu.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
I'm blind - Don't take it wrong - Just read it !
Sunt orb, nu vad, de tine m-am indragostit,
Da-mi inapoi vederea! E sunetul ce l-am rostit,
In umbra sufletului tau de tine m-am adapostit,
Cinstit iti spun ca inca aud, un sunet parca amortit...
Sunt orb si mult timp voi mai fi,
Atata timp cat eu te voi iubi!
Frumoasa floare, tu infloresti!
Si azi vrei sa ma parasesti…
Nu vrei sa ne iubim ca in povesti,
Citesti, acum aceste randuri si-ti doresti,
Sa daruiesti, cum eu ti-am aratat,
Si sa iubesti… Pe mine as fi sperat…
Dar ce sa fac? Astazi tu ai plecat,
Si ai lasat si patul nefacut,
Si sifonierul gol, si-n pat eu… am zacut !
Dar a trecut, mai mult decat trei zile,
Tine-te bine si nu te abtine,
Caci nu are cine, durerea sa-ti aline!
Dar sa tii minte! Nu’s doar cuvinte,
Dragostea nu se vinde, se obtine!!!
Nu te abtine, iti dau voie sa plangi,
Asa am plans si eu… Si-ajungi,
Sa crezi ca ma alungi….
Dar azi, rostesc cuvinte sfinte,
Mi-aduc aduc acum aminte,
Cum totul intre noi era fierbinte…
De noptile cand transpiram in doi,
De noptile cand puteam spune: Noi,
Cand dragoste faceam in dimineti de Joi...
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Thinking in percentage
Plangeai, mergeai pe strada,
Credeai ca sulfetu-mi e o ambuscada,
Dar sufletul imi e ca o cascada,
De sentimente de-o lunga perioada,
Dovada? Te-nvaluiam ca o tornada…
Si mergi si plangi acum, eu nu mai sunt!
Crunt… Dar eu am fost un amanunt,
Nu aparent ci concludent…
Imprudent si cateodata indolent,
Inocent si cateodata inconstient,
Caci ai gandit doar in procent…
Iti las acum ca testament,
Vag sentiment preponderent,
O Dragoste cu descendent…
Pentru ca...
And because my friend likes lyrics, I confess that as he loves them, I also Love to write lyrics a lot. Here is a poem written in romanian as in our vocabulary you may find thousands of words. Words that match as rhymes. Enjoy!
Cu ce am gresit, sa ma ranesti asa de rau?
Cu ce am gresit, sa ma ranesti asa de rau?
Ce ti-am facut, de nu vrei sa fiu al tau?
De ce imi zdrobesti inima din piept?
De ce alegi aceasta cale ca concept?
Nu pot sa cred ca azi uitandu-ma la cer,
Si-ti cer sa nu mi-o iei si tot mai sper...
De ce chiar mie mi se intampla iar?
De ce azi iar de lume ma separ?
Pentru ca te iubesc eminamente,
Pentru ca-ti port o dragoste cu condimente,
Pentru ca iti ofer mai multe sortimente,
Nu complimente, eu iti ofer momente...
Momente atente, si nopti absente,
Nopti inocente si turbulente,
Ce realmente nu le-am uitat
Postand in inima adanc un sentiment premeditat...
Baby D.
Monday, February 7, 2011
got the chills with this one...

Hy everybody, just got back was a very boring day..but i had the time to write something nice...enjoy.. ;)
Zambetul tau imi vine in minte,
Sunt raman fara cuvinte...
Dar chiar si asa imi aduc aminte,
Ca eu sunt cel cu o rugaminte.
Si nu ma pot abtine...
Cu gandul ma trezesc la tine,
Desi a tinut de mine ca totul sa fie bine
Cu tine,cu noi..dar in fine...
Poate intre noi ar trebui sa fie o distanta de mile marine.
Tu..un pestisor in subconstient,ce vine
Sa ma ravaseasca in sine...
Si sunt multi ca mine,
Care poate o fac mai bine,
Dar indiferent ce intervine...
Imprevizibil,fara cortine,
Sau ca un copil ce se baga fara rusine..
Iti spun sigur,caci sunt sigur pe mine, te iubesc mult pe tine!
Who ?
Who knows if will rain?
Who cares of my pain?
Who loves and don't say?
Who stops in his way?
Who looks behind?
I do, I'm not coward!
But, I won't get and award,
For looking behind...
Who wants to live forever?
Who cares the one we love?
Who loves and care forever?
Who knows the word: love?
Don't leave and don't say nothing,
Are you? I won't say anything,
I'll say I love the blue sky,
I love the blue of your eyes...
Who am I and why I do this?
I'm the writer that kiss,
A drop of cold rain I won't miss,
This is why I do this...
First Spring day
Walking down on a regular street and smelling the fresh scent of the spring, I think about how to go out of the mood I have in this moment. My steps are heavy and long. They go in one direction. I didn’t knew, where I was heading. In a second break, I realize that I like what I’m doing. Then I fall again into a deep feeling. Is it sadness? Is it dull? Is it you the reason that makes me feel like this? I can’t say that. Perhaps they I’m confused.
I didn’t knew what was happening to me. My mind was like an exploding bomb that blow and make a stunning dust. I know that sometimes I give people headaches, so I probably don’t want to do such a crime. So I was watching the cars passing by me, people who where going in different directions. They aren’t noticing me? Why? Am I an invisible person? Maybe we all are one to each other. A beautiful young lady get in to me and she didn’t apologized, I act very polite and got up the documents that she dropped when we hit each other... Probably I was invisible to her. Am I ironic?
But perhaps this is what we all feel on certain days of our lives. Maybe we're just some passers-by. We behave strangely with each other.
Perhaps everyone feels the same way I feel in this moment. Who knows? Or who cares?
I looked than back and saw some people who once called themselves friends. I then I’ve turned my back on them and went into the same unknown state of mind ... then suddenly I realize what is actually happening to me. I stoped walking. I was hit by the smell of leaving flowers that made my sinuses permanently drunk. It's spring fatigue. It is because of my unknown condition.
Now I calmed down. A smile lighted up my face witch was ground up earlier and looked up again. People where also changing. It seems everything has changed suddenly such as a plant that appears after a time from darkness ...
And that spring has almost arrived. Enjoy it. I can’t wait to get ready for first game of fishing. I haven’t said that in addition to writing and I also have this passion.
I hope I will convince my best friend to come with me. He has other passions witch I had also long time ago.
Suddenly I'm back from this rain of thoughts and walked again. I realized I wasn’t heading to an unknown direction. I realize that I was heading home...
But perhaps this is what we all feel on certain days of our lives. Maybe we're just some passers-by. We behave strangely with each other.
Perhaps everyone feels the same way I feel in this moment. Who knows? Or who cares?
I looked than back and saw some people who once called themselves friends. I then I’ve turned my back on them and went into the same unknown state of mind ... then suddenly I realize what is actually happening to me. I stoped walking. I was hit by the smell of leaving flowers that made my sinuses permanently drunk. It's spring fatigue. It is because of my unknown condition.
Now I calmed down. A smile lighted up my face witch was ground up earlier and looked up again. People where also changing. It seems everything has changed suddenly such as a plant that appears after a time from darkness ...
And that spring has almost arrived. Enjoy it. I can’t wait to get ready for first game of fishing. I haven’t said that in addition to writing and I also have this passion.
I hope I will convince my best friend to come with me. He has other passions witch I had also long time ago.
Suddenly I'm back from this rain of thoughts and walked again. I realized I wasn’t heading to an unknown direction. I realize that I was heading home...
Friday, February 4, 2011
much to early?..maybe..maybe not

Today at work i was thinking what to write... and as i'm not crazy about political isssues or any issues,I wrote another poem.I don't want to seem like a romantic guy,but i really am.:) ;p
Also will be written in Romanian,and all the poems will be. Because..guess what..i'm Romanian. But all the other topics will be in English.Enjoy!
Desi ne-am intalnit,totusi prea devreme..
Mi-am dat seama k tu esti pentru mine,
Camaradul meu printre perne,
Compania mea la rau si bine.
Fara vreun gand serios,am inceput,
De ne-am fi despartit atunci,nu ne-ar fi durut.
Am inaintat,impreuna am putut..
''Dragostea dureaza trei ani'' ..noi nu am crezut.
A trecut vreme, multe s-au intamplat
Am gresit,ai gresit,dar a fost uitat...
Uitat,sters.adanc ingropat,
Gandesc ca asa ne este dat..
Nu sunt doar ceilalti au observat
Ca relatia noastra nu e de lepadat,
Relatia noastra a rezistat..
Si nu avem un timp exact,
Avem dragostea pe timp nedeterminat
Pentru ca noi,ne iubim cu adevarat..
Thursday, February 3, 2011
funny..but not really :)))
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
just a tease

To relax the atmosphere created by my colleague , I created something to help you reach the sensitive part of the loved one.. But because it is a poem I decided to post it in Romanian.
Euforia m-a cuprins,
Cand pe spate m-am intins,
Si mi-am amintit...
Noi doi aseara am vorbit.
De una ,de altu..
De unu ,de alta..
Doar ma mine place fata :)
Dar nu cu alta,
Mi-as petrece seara asta.
Sau oricare seara,
Fie ea dulce sau amara.
Nu va fi ca prima oara,
Va fi extraordinara.
Vocea ta ma linisteste,
Ma inveseleste,
Intr-o seara calduroasa ma raceste..
Intr-o seara friguroasa ma incalzeste..
Dar trecand peste,
Concluzia este...
Ca persoana mea te doreste,
Cand corpul tau ma ameteste
Si tensiunea-mi creste..
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