Sunday, November 13, 2011

Let it Snow !

Let it snow... Let it snow... We all like the snow. Who doesn't? Winter has come. And shall all give you joy and happiness. Who doesn't want to make snowballs or snow mans? In my childhood my father or my mother always where helping me to built a snowman. I was sitting out in the cold and I wasn't feeling any cold at all. I loved to be out and play in the snow. And now the blue sky has become dark grey. It is ready to start to cry under the clouds leaving the drops to fall trough the blanket of cold as the flour pass through the sieve and set everything in white - the most pure color. We all have now Winter Tires Mr. Boc and Mrs. Udrea and Mr. Basescu !While I am sitting here, I remembered that 2 years ago I was above the coulds on Balea Lake resort to the Ice Hotel with Untravelled Paths.You can book your holliday with What a nice winter. Or maybe, what a nice "cold". I'll speak about this later. Now I'm waiting the snow to start fall. I can feel it.

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