Friday, February 18, 2011

Another LIAR ;)

All the girls would like to think ca iubitul lor ar face asa,dar...not everything is like we want it :p

Fiind in pana de idei,
Fara portofel si chei,
Dar cu un pliculet cu hash
Sunt cu una prin oras.

The chick is high and wants to go
Straight back home to do a show..
What will happen I don't know
I'm kind of scared 'cause she's a ho..

Tentatia e plecat..
Am ajuns,s-a acomodat,
Simt cum fierb,sunt panicat..
E frumoasa.. sa incerc sa scap?

Girls will say... YES!
Boys: Rip that dress!
But I say NO! and I am gone,
My girl is waiting for me home!


Gabita said...

heheheee...tare asta..

jiji said...

as fi vrut sa nu fie o minciuna :(
bunicica poezia,felicitari